As a general principle, we avoid traditional roadmaps as a planning or reporting mechanism because they cause [[Anchoring]] effects and don't maximize for [[Optionality]] according to the [[Convexity Bias]]. The alternative challenge to solve instead is [[Showing Progress]]. ### Related Patterns There are a few different levels of reporting "possible futures". At the lowest level, [[Hill Charts]] show the status of scopes in the current work cycle. They're flexible in that teams identify and make [[Trade Offs]] against must-have and nice-to-have work. A static view of a hill chart shows status, how the hill chart changes over time shows progress. At the start of each project, the "roadmap" or static view of the hill chart is blank and only develops over time through [[Discovered Work]]. A middle level of reporting occurs with [[Objectives and Key Results]] which provides higher level objectives over a longer time scale and the more concrete (in terms of measurable) key results intended to cause our goals to be met over time. Key results are still flexible in the sense that which key results are deemed most effective can and should change over the course of an objective. At the highest level of reporting you can use [[Now, Next, Thinking About]] as a tool to lead a conversation with stakeholders about possible futures without over committing to one that might not turn out to be ideal. ### Categories #commitment #planning #status #strategy #progress #reframe #reporting